What’s new in buildstockbatch 2023.05.0

About this Document

This document describes changes between buildstockbatch version 2022.1.0 and buildstockbatch version 2023.05.0

See v2023.05.0 Changelog for full details of changes since the last version.


This version should be backwards compatible with previous versions of buildstockbatch. The default version of OpenStudio was changed to 3.6.1, so if you require an older version, make sure it is called out in your project file.

Docker no longer required for local runs

Docker is no longer a required dependency for running a local run through buildstockbatch. As such, the buildstock_docker cli was replaced with buildstock_local. The appropriate version of OpenStudio will need to be available. See Local for details.

Residential HPXML Workflow

Updates were made to workflow generator arguments, see Residential HPXML Workflow Generator for details.

Residential Default Workflow Removed

The residential_default workflow generator was removed. To use this version of buildstockbatch, please update your version of ResStock to on that uses the residential_hpxml workflow generator.

Schema Updates

output_directory is now required in the schema and will not be defaulted.

postprocessing.aws.athena.database limits the database name to be letters, numbers, and the underscore (_ ) character.

A references section can now be included in the project yaml file. This can be used to define other parts of the file that you want to reuse using yaml anchors and references.

eagle.minutes_per_sim can now be extended up to 8 hours.