0.19 Changelog


Released: October 26, 2020


  • [schema] [change]

    Updated the yml schema to require the n_buildings_represented in schema version 0.2.

    References: #158, pull request 177


  • [eagle] [bugfix]

    Fixing silent errors in simulation job that left an empty output directory.

    References: #158, pull request 181

  • [eagle] [bugfix]

    Fixing dependency conflict in installation.

    References: #178, pull request 179


  • [aws] [bugfix]

    The most recent version of s3fs was causing dependency problems in the EMR bootstrap script. This pins it to an older, working version.

    References: pull request 188

  • [aws] [bugfix]

    Fixing dependency problem with ruamal.yaml for AWS workflow.

    References: pull request 176

  • [aws] [documentation]

    Adding AWS demo project yaml file.

    References: pull request 174

  • [aws] [documentation]

    Updating docs for AWS

    References: pull request 167

  • [aws] [bugfix]

    Fix bug in AWS postprocessing.

    References: pull request 163

  • [aws] [bugfix]

    Avoiding bad pandas version on AWS.

    References: pull request 162


  • [postprocessing] [feature]

    Concatenate the schedules.csv (if they exists) to the enduse_timeseries.csv before converting them to parquet

    References: pull request 186

  • [postprocessing] [bugfix]

    Throws a more descriptive error in post-processing when no simulation results are found.

    References: #151, pull request 152


  • [documentation] [examples]

    Some changes to the example config file to num_buildings_represented and downselect to more accurately do single family detached housing with a downselect.

    References: pull request 185

  • [documentation]

    Minor updates to documentation.

    References: #168, pull request 167

  • [documentation]

    Specifying workable Docker version for Windows in documentation.

    References: #157, pull request 160
